2 min readAug 23, 2021

Hello hackers! hope you are all doing well today. Now that we have done stack-2. We will now move onto stack3.


On analysing we can immediately tell that our required answer is in the modified space. We just need to buffer overflow it and give the modified address in a little endian format. But the actual problem is how are we going to inject our payload?


So the program says to set an environment variable. But first what is the environment variable?

These are the systems environment variables. According to google, An environment variable is a variable whose value is set outside the program.

So it seems we have to set a value to our environment variable ‘GREENIE’. We can do so by the following method.


export GREENIE

Clearly, our output value has changed. Now we are about to inject our payload in a similar manner but instead of something random, we will give the payload:

GREENIE=`(python -c ‘print “A”*64 + “\x0a\x0d\x0a\x0d” ’)`

export GREENIE

Things we have to remember are:

  1. We are passing this as an argument to the environment variable so there should be either “$” symbol or “`” symbol.
  2. Remember not to give any spaces between GREENIE and the “=” symbol as the system will consider the empty space as a variable and will pop you an error message.

So that is going to be the end of stack2. More is yet to be released, untill then take care bye bye :).

